Barbato's - Supreme Review

Price at Purchase: $10.95 + tax
Size/Diameter/Slices: Medium / 12"/8
Description: Medium pizza with extra cheese, pepperoni, green peppers, onions, and mushrooms
What We Liked:  The amount of toppings was pretty good for a supreme.  The extra cheese was very flavorful and the other toppings were spread evenly over this pie.  That includes both onions (not my favorite) and mushrooms (not Jen's favorite).  The crust was fresh, which is good, but wasn't our favorite.
What We Didn’t Like: Although the crust was fresh, it was also very greasy and unfortunately it was fairly chewy as well.  It didn't have the light, fluffy, crispy taste that we've found in other pizzas.  One of Jen's pet peeves are vegetables that are cooked before going onto the pizza.  Barbato's does this and as a result the toppings, especially the onions and green peppers weren't full of flavor and lacked the "crunch" that makes fresh vegetables good.
Overall:  Barbato's is another famous local chain that has four locations across Erie.  Although I personally love their subs, this first pizza fell a little flat for both of us.  Although the supreme comes with a lot of toppings, the vegetables were cooked and the crust was chewy and greasy.  While the pizza wasn't bad, there wasn't anything special to make it stand out.  As average as it gets.  


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