Mama Mia's Pizzaria - Italian White Review

Price at Purchase: $9.49 + tax
Size/Diameter/Slices: Medium / 12"/8
Description: Small pizza with olive oil, ricotta, cheese, mushrooms, onion, sweet peppers, garlic, oregano, basil
What We Liked:  We liked the idea of this pizza. It sounded really good on the website and the pictures were very appealing. Also, the idea of fresh crust, garlic, basil and oregano had us excited to try this pizza. The red onions, sweet peppers and mushrooms were adequate as topping, and the amount of toppings was sufficient. It wasn't a BAD tasting pizza.
What We Didn’t Like: Even though the crust was homemade, this first pizza we tried from Mama Mia's had a very chewy, tough consistency.  I was also excited to try a pizza with fresh garlic, basil and oregano; however, I was disappointed  the garlic was powdered (which burns easily when baked and tasted bitter) and the basil and oregano were dried. As a personal preference, I like fresh vegetables on a pizza and the peppers were precooked and a bit soggy. I was also expecting a good amount of ricotta as a topping, but it was minimal beneath the mozzarella cheese.
Overall:  We heard numerous people rave about Mama Mia's pizza which, perhaps, inflated our expectations a bit. However, although the pizza didn't taste bad, it was not as fresh or as flavorful as we were hoping. This was our very first pizza from this restaurant, so we are not trying to be too critical. Perhaps the dough was over-mixed for this batch and additional pizza orders will taste fresher and meet our expectations.


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