Stevo's - Deep Dish (Pepperoni) Review

Price at Purchase: $13.95 + tax
Size/Diameter/Slices: Standard / 14"/8
Description: Deep Dish pizza with pepperoni...and pepperoni...and pepperoni.
What We Liked:  Where to start with this thing?  Well, in terms of what we liked, the dough and crust was very good.  Even though this crust had to support multiple layers of toppings, it wasn't thin and non-existent, which is a good thing.  Also, the sauce was pretty excellent and was actually the tastiest part of this deep dish.  It's a good thing because there was SO much sauce...
What We Didn’t Like: We're not really sure where to start with things we didn't like.  Some people might love multiple layers of pepperoni (I'm a big pepperoni fan), but on this pizza they were simply overwhelming.  A little bit of pepperoni goes a long way.  As mentioned above, there was a ton of sauce on this thing also.  We think there was cheese on the pizza, but we couldn't tell.  The "assembly" of the pizza was confusing...sauce on top, then pepperoni, then cheese?  We noticed some cheese sprinkled on the top, but there wasn't much on the rest of the pizza.  One of Jen's biggest pet peeves, the amount of grease here was pretty surprising.  We added another picture of the box after removing a few slices.  The grease, and liquid from the sauce, actually went through the box and was on the counter when I picked it up.  Unrelated to taste, this pizza was pretty ugly, and a mess to eat.  Unnecessary messiness warning.

Overall:  We were asked by a fan to review one of Stevo's deep dish pizzas, so we did.  In reality, it wasn't a bad pizza...but honestly it's just not for us.  Others may enjoy the multiple layers of toppings, minimal cheese, and messy experience.  (The mess eating the pizza stuck with Jen more than the pizza itself.)  Silver lining, the sauce was very good, but even still there was too much of it!  Be certain to have forks ready and lots of napkins if you are attempting to conquer this beast.  Might've be better with a different topping choice?  Who knows.


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